3 Ways To Stop Attracting Broken People And Let Love AND ABUNDANCE In

February 19th, 2025
Hey everyone! Valentine’s Day just passed so what a great way to focus on your heart space better known as your heart chakra. So let’s talk about it.
Are you questioning why you can’t grow, why you have no motivation, why you’re stuck in a rut? You are not fulfilled, or you keep asking yourself why can’t reach my maximum potential and you keep attracting the same people…….ding ding ding… you are the problem, you are blocking your blessings. You are stopping your growth, it’s you you you!.
Deal with it! Learn to take accountability! Learn to face your fears and let go of your ego. You have the power, stop giving your power away. Start pointing the finger at yourself. You need to embrace the part you play in each relationship and situation that you feel is not your fault.
The main reason you keep attracting brokenness in your life is because you are broken or you feel the need to fix broken people. You are going to continue to attract these people into your life until you clean up your mess. Just remember not to get frustrated or angry. Use this time to monitor how you are doing in life. Remember everyone is a teacher and you are the main character, stop playing supporting role.
Ok, let’s focus to the heart chakra. Where it all starts, your true love, compassion, passion and connection. Let’s clear up your heart space so we can get you where you want to be.
- Vision yourself in the past before you got your heartbroken and operate in that heart space. Act as if you are open and fully giving. Remember you never experienced heartbreak before so you are open and free to new experiences and opportunities. You no longer operate in a place of fear. You are no longer scared to get your heart broken. Free yourself of the burden you are carrying.
2. Heart Chakra Opening Exercise– Close your eyes and focus on your heart space. Now imagine that your heart is a big lock that is rusted and cold. Now feel all of the heartache and pain that you experienced your entire life that shut you off from love, happiness and joy and made close yourself off. All the feelings you are feeling, take it all in, let the tears come down, cry it out.That is a good sign that you are letting all the pain and suffering go. All those times you were disappointed, didn’t feel safe or secure, you didn’t feel protected, chosen, needed, abused, taken advantange of, beaten, lost, confused, torn and afraid’ let it all go. Let’s face it the pain you are feeling is why you closed off your heart to begin with. Forgive yourself for all that pain you went through and celebrate all those hurdles you went through because those hurdles created the amazing person you are today and because of what you went through you are a warrior. Now take all those tears and pain and just breathe in and out. Now imagine a brand new golden key in your hand representing the brand new you after clearing out all of the negative baggage you had and take that key towards your broken lock and unlock the lock with your golden key. As you imagine the key going into the lock vision the broken lock turning into something shiny, new and vibrant. Watch all of the rust and dusty fall off the lock and turn into gold as it unlocks. As you remove the key now know that you are healed, loved and reborn.
3. Remind yourself everyday that you are worthy off all things good and that you have the power and stand in your power.
Let all good things come to you!
Money is based off your value
November 26, 2024

Let’s get right into it. I want to talk to you about money. Yea I know, some people get triggered just even thinking about money and people stress about getting more of it, blah, blah, blah….
But you see money is all based on how you feel about yourself. Do you feel worthy of having it? Be honest with yourself do you feel unworthy when you think about generating more income or do you feel you can’t hold on to your money ? Does it leave as fast as it comes in? You could be subconsciously pushing money away because there are issues that you haven’t dealt with about money and how you value money.
I wasn’t raised to value money or to even know how to accumulate it or how to handle it when I did have it.
But guess what? I learned along the way that your flow of money is based on how you feel about yourself.
Tell me if this sounds like you?
-you get uncomfortable when its time to spend money
-you don’t pay yourself first
-you rather ignore your debt
-you try to hold on to your money
-you live check to check
If any of these sound like you, you have some work to do my friend.
Now, don’t beat me up, I have suffered with some of these issues too and still till this day, it’s a work in progress.
You have to remember you never were taught financial literacy and that’s ok. So you are now starting from square one so it’s ok to feel a little frustrated.
Just like your relationships you have to work on it so it’s time to work on your relationship with money.
What happens if you stop spending and tending to your relationships? They tend to fall away.
That’s what is happening to your income it’s not coming to you because you are not tending to it.
So where do I start you ask? Well first develop a ritual to where you enjoy spending your money and get used to feeling good when you receive money.
One simple thing I like to do is vision a great field of positive energy and light surrounding me and protecting me when I use my debt card. I give off the energy that I am grateful for being able to purchase my items and I take in the joy it feels to be able to purchase that particular item or items.
Try it for 30 days to see if you see a change but you got to get in the habit of creating a relationship with your money each day. Take a couple of minutes if you can each day to strengthen your relationship with money.
The key is to remember or remind yourself to take action. It takes about 30 days to develop a habit so if you forget set a timer each day or do it on your drive to work each day. Just try to make it a habit so that you can start bringing in that money and setting your new beliefs.
If this sounds interesting to you I will be having an upcoming workshop to help you create the abundance you want. You can sign up on my email list at if you want more updates.
Kandace Kyan
Are You afraid
to take action?
June 23, 2024
Are you afraid to take action? Are you petrified or scared to make decisions that could lead you to the life you want or that could lead you to your purpose? Why do you second guess yourself when it’s time for you to elevate or make a change?
Me personally, I used to be afraid to make decisions that I knew would help me in the long run because I was groomed as an adolescent to go by what my family thought and what others thought. What I thought didn’t matter. I don’t know if this sounds like you but I was making decisions based off what others would think of me or how others would see me.
To be realistic I was afraid of the potential that I did and have and could have. I was scared of success and scared of going bigger because I was scared of the attention that it would bring me. I was scared of the thought that I would possibly be placed in a leadership role and being a leader comes with responsibilities.
I wasn’t ready for the judgment, the who does she think she is talk or who are you to even think you can step outside of what society see’s you as. Your upbringing showed you that you are only capable of small things so staying means staying the same.
Remember the only reason people criticize you or ridicule you is because they see your potential before you see it in yourself. So thank them because you must be doing something right. So don’t wast time based on how others will feel. When we are long and gone from this earth no one will care.
I am here to tell you that you are here to go big. You are destined for great things and you are born to do great things. But I am also here to tell you that you can’t get there from here which is where you are and with that small mind thinking. You have to transition into that role that you know you were meant to be in order to make that jump you have to start making changes from the mindset of where you want to go not where you are.
Being scared to take action is learned behavior. Just think about it. The first time you took a risk you got burnt. Risking it all feels like a gamble. You want to hold on to what you worked hard for, what is familiar and you want to build what you already have. You can either stay still and enjoy your comfort or you can take a chance and really get a chance to experience life and enjoy the ride.
What helped me get out of my head and helped me take action is meditating. Meditation helped me shift my perspective. Meditation helps re-program your mind from negative thinking. You are able to reset your negative thoughts to positive ones.
Do you really want to stay stuck and repeating the same patterns stuck on repeat?
I get it, you are scared, I have been there but you can’t get to all the amazing things that is waiting for you on the other side of the door until you open it.
So start making those decisions with faith instead of fear because time will fly by and 5 years later you will be still stuck in a rut thinking coulda, shoulda, woulda.
Also I wanted to mention that I am having a women’s retreat called The Love Expansion Retreat this summer in Puerto Rico this summer from August 18th to August 21st. The retreat will be full of methods and tools to help you heal, grow and shift your mindset. If you are feeling called to go you can visit the link below or email me at we only have 4 spots left so let me know if you would like to join.
the love expansion retreat
June 10, 2024

join me this summer in puerto rico
Just think, this is where you could spend your Summer rejuvenating, relaxing and clearing out issues that no longer serve you.
You can jump start your healing by being in nature and connecting with the land.
During The Love Expansion Retreat, you will be together with like-minded spirits, you will revamp and instill core beiliefs into your mindset to help you open your heart chakra, connect with your higher self, clear out negative blocks and heal what has been holding you from becoming your true self and standing in your true purpose.
You will practice Kundalini Yoga which will help you increase your vibration to create abundance and attract wellness and love into your life.
The Love Expansion Retreat will show you how to heal your core wounds, take into your god given gifts and connect with the universe.
Come and join me on the beautiful island for expansion, love and bliss!
Let’s Go!
*Limited Space Available
Questions? Email me at
Healing your
May 20, 2024

Hello everyone!
It feels good to be back. I hope you have been working on yourself and rising up and attaining the levels of success and goals that you want to achieve. I know that working on self is a journey so I don’t want your to loose hope and confidence if you feel that you aren’t where you are supposed to be. Remember this a journey not a race. It’s all about the experiences along the way. Remember if you got it all over night then there wouldn’t be anything else to look up to or look forward to. So just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Today I will be talking about healing your childhood issues.
Subconsiosly we walk around each day with old baggage that we haven’t cleared out. We wonder why the same problems or issues keep showing up in a different way, in a different person or a different environment. No matter the situation it seems like you keep attracting the same people places and things.
In order to grow you have to start acknowledging your faults. You have to start being honest with yourself and start working on your downfalls.
For example, when you were younger did you have a parent that didn’t acknowledge you, or treated you different than your siblings. Fastforward to your current life do you seem to attract the same work environments where you are not treated fairly or you always seem to be ignored. It is because you are brining your childhood trauma into your current situation. You are carrying the same patterns that were given to you when you were younger. That is something you need to work on if you won’t to better your situation.
To start off, or to begin healing you can write down a list of affirmations confirming that you are worthy of being listened to, or you are worthy of acknowledgment. Contiue that list each day until you feel that your outer world is shifting. Another thing you can do is stop tolerating others negative behaviors. Remember you teach people how to treat you. If you don’t speak up and you continue to tolerate the negativy you are telling yourself that is what you deserve.
So start taking note of what negativity from your upbringing that you are carrying around with you today.
Remember you are worthy of all things good!
How to get over
your fears
August 25, 2023
From Ireland!
I just landed and it is gorgeous here!
There is something refreshing about branching out and discovering new territory. It opens up access to new desires, wants, passion and connection to the land.
What better way to connect than getting out and discovering a new sense of self and purpose.
Traveling is what helped me get over my fears.
If you have fears my advice for you to is just get over it.
Just do it already And Heal! You are only hurting yourself the more you stay stuck in your head.
I know its easier said than done but once its done It’s Done! You will realize that fear was all in your head and it never really exisited.
YOu are your own worst enemy!
Take a chance on yourself and give your self time to grow. Traveling on your own can help you do that.
Explore the fear of the unknown because it can hinder the healing
process.You waste time and hold yourself back by not following your dreams and aspirations. You also deny yourself the things that have been waiting for you. All of your manifestations and dreams are waiting on you to heal so that they can be delivered to you.
That is your divine birth right to have what you want.
I remember when I was petrified with fear.
I attracted:
-Health Issues
You name it I had it. What really held me back was my ego.
You couldn’t tell me nothing!
I wanted to do it my way or now way and I suffered in the process.
I am here to help you so that you don’t waste precious valuble time like I did.
I don’t want you to look up and realize that so much time has passed that you feel like it’s too late for you.
Remember time is an illusion and the new you starts now.
I am dropping my first Intro To Soul-O Traveling course to help you navigate and get up to speed on your healing and to help you overcome your fears.
Click below if you want to get started on your traveling journey.
You only get one shot so make it count.
Click here:
If you feel called you can reach out
The Gift of

May 30th 2023
I hope you enjoyed your Memorial weekend. It was a great time to get some retreat and relaxation in.
I wanted to talk about the Gift Of Discernment and how to recoginze it within. It’s pretty much your gut instinct if you haven’t heard of it before.
Have you ever gotten that feeling that something doesn’t feel right or something feels off. That’s your higher self trying to warn you. Or have you ever thought to yourself, I knew I should have left that person alone. That’s your discernment. You have to trust it when it shows up.
When I was younger I used to ignore that feeling because I didn’t know any better. I was brought up to ignore the red flags and not pay it any attention to them when they showed up.
Red flags were normal to me until I hit a breaking point. As I got older I got tired of being hurt, people pleasing or trying to cater to other peoples needs that reminded me of my childhood. I realized that none of it was serving me and that it was time to take control of who and what I let in. There will come a time when you will get sick of the heartaches and betrayal.
Do you check your surroundings and environments?
Do you read the room before you enter?
For example, if you are out and about and you go to an event when you step into a room, do you get that feeling that people were talking about you, you get envious stares or people avoiding you?
Take that as a sign that you need to leave and that those people and that place is not for you.
Even when you make big decisions like a car purchase do you feel something is off or you just don’t feel right. That is your discernment trying to save you from making a bad decision.
If you have a hard time connecting with your intuition you are probably operating on the lowest chakra which is the root chakra.
If your root chakra is unbalanced you will feel:
- Fearful
- Distrusting
- Be a Workaholic
- Feeling out of control
- Unable to make decisions
- Financial issues
If this sounds like you, no need to worry. You just need to work on clearing your chakras.
As you navigate through life you will start trusting yourself more and rely on your instinct.
You will get farther in life when you learn to trust!
Are you ready to make a commitment to JOIN A MOVEMENT?
Dive into your Spiritual break through my discovering you and taking your journey to a new level.

let go of
things you cant
April 25, 2023
So, today I wanted to tap into that gift of sharing so I decided to stop and get some coffee this morning to treat myself and my co-workers. I ordered the coffee in advance and I was on my way to pick it up before work. ( By the way I was in a great mood! LOL)
I got there and I asked them for a side of oatmilk for my coffee. They said I don’t think we can do that.
Side eye…..
I’m thinking? I just paid you guys like 25 bucks. I even tried to explain to them that I was vegan so i only needed a little on the side. (Life is like that, trying to explain your way out of a situation when things aren’t going your way.) The manager said “I have to charge you $2.75 for a side of oatmilk.”
I began to feel little overwhelmed, stressed, aggrevated…the whole nine yards. I can belive I had to pay more money in addition to what I already paid for. I knew that i was going to be late for work if i continued to press the situation so i went to a seperate window to pay and went back to the pick up window and i proceeded to talk to the manager. I asked her “What the difference was between me paying for a splash of oatmilk for a personal drink than what I am ordering now”? She responded, “I didn’t know that you needed it just for you?
I asked for her name and I left.
I have to admit I havent been that angry in a while. I let someone take my power away from me in that brief moment. But you know what? When I finally calmed down I told myself that it wasn’t worth the headache I re-gained control. This situation was out of my control, I thought until I got to work and I realized that they didnt give me my extra item that I paid for in my order.
That was confirmation for me to take it to another level. So i did contact corporate and explained my situation in a calm manner and i acutally got back more than what i expected. I thought they were going to refund me the oatmilk and the missing item but they refunded me for the entire order.
I tell you this to prove a point.
Long story short, do you think i would have gotten what i wanted, well even more that what I “EXPECTED” if I would have cursed them out or took matters in my own hands. That is a FIRM NO! The situation was playing out in front of my eyes and I didnt have control. It is what it is.
I left it up to the universe and got back EVEN MORE THAN WHAT I ORIGINALLY WANTED BACK!
The whole point of the story is to never let things that are out of your control get to you. If you try to take matters in your own hands you get the butt end of the stick. I know that is easier said than done when your emotions are going a muck but REMEMBER, he who controls thier emotions controls thier enviornment.
I say all this to say….
Stay Focused!
Stay Dedicated to putting that energy back into you!
Stay and Stand Strong!
Things will fall into place.
Because at the end of the day you control where you are headed!
Are you ready to make a commitment to YOURSELF and start something new?
MY online program SOLO SOUL TRAVLER: A Course in Spiritually discovering your true purpose while traveling solo includes high level spiritual coaching, 4 weeks of tools to help you relase blocks, soul work, guidance on selecting your first city of travel, access to the private Facebook community and so much more!
Check it out and JOIN THE WAITLIST NOW!
Take a
FEBRUARY 7, 2023
When I was going through the dark knight of the soul I felt like my world was turned upside down. I was tired of the same mistakes, pain and frustration. I cried out, “Why me!” I didn’t understand why I kept going through the same patterns. I was desperate so I cried out for a sign.
This overwhelming energy rushed over me in my time of need. While I was experiencing this moment I knew that there was a guidance system that was leading me and guiding me to where I was supposed to be.
I didn’t know that I would be where I am, helping other women like myself on the path that they need to be on.
This was about 10 years ago and after I asked for a sign I was led to Esther Hicks better known as Abraham Hicks. I was walking around a book store in Old town Pasadena and something was pulling me to look in a certain direction. When I looked up I saw a book called “Ask And It’s Given.” I went ahead and bought the book and I couldn’t put it down.
The book showed me that I was the creator of my own experiences and that I am in control of what I manifest. I realized that what I want shows up when I let go and let god. This was a game changer. I was already capable of manifesting I just didn’t know that I was doing it intentionally.
I become so hooked on the book that I also started to binge watch her videos on YouTube.
Fast forward to today I started to feel a little misguided so I asked for a sign again. Something told me to go online and look up Abraham Hicks website. I saw that she was going to be in the Los Angeles area. I asked for another sign and later on in the day I met someone named Abraham, lol. I still didn’t take that as a sign.
Its funny how we ask for guidance and then ignore it when the signs show up. I didn’t take action but something kept nudging me to buy the tickets. I decided to buy them last minute and they were sold out. I shook my head in disbelief because I thought why in the world would I get a sign to buy the tickets and then go online to see that the tickets were sold out.
A couple of days go by and I said oh well ill let it go. Soon as that happened I got an email saying that there were seats open and I took that as my sign and booked them immediately, lol!
I bring this story up to say that all the signs we need are around us. We choose to ignore them or pass them off as a coincidence and that’s not the case. We know what we got to do but yet we ignore the signs and choose to not make the change. I believe that deep down inside we know that if we do take that bold step we know that it just might change our whole lives and we are comfortable where we are. Our whole world could change tomorrow and that scares the sh*t out of us so we choose to ignore it and remain complacent.
I am here to tell you what if you do make that change, what if you take that leap? It’s only up hill from here. Don’t be that person that looks back and regrets not making a change in their life.
I’ll leave you with this. At the Abraham workshop she said something that resonated with my soul. She said you know that you have been asking and asking for your hearts desire; you know you can’t just turn It off now. It’s here! It’s waiting for you!
Don’t wait, take a chance!
Are you ready to make a commitment to YOURSELF and start something new?
MY online program SOLO SOUL TRAVLER: A Course in Spiritually discovering your true purpose while traveling solo includes high level spiritual coaching, 4 weeks of tools to help you relase blocks, soul work, guidance on selecting your first city of travel, access to the private Facebook community and so much more!
Check it out and JOIN THE WAITLIST NOW!
Setting Healthy Boundaries
December 20, 2022
Happy Holidays!
This year went by so quickly!
I admit I have been away for a little bit; focusing on my self care. So today, I wanted to talk about “Setting Boundaries.”
Setting Boundaries for yourself is healthy for your mind, spirit and soul. It’s not too late in the game to change your standards and place firm boundaries in your life.
Let me give you an example. A dog can’t talk. So the way a dog expresses how they feel is by growling or biting. If you get too close to a dog and they are uncomfortable they will begin to growl. If you ignore the “red flags” and continue to proceed towards the dog and try to pet them they will most likely bite you. You see, a dog can’t express their feelings verbally so they will show you physically. If you cross that boundary they will bite you.
Morale of the story, if a dog can set a firm boundary so can you. Stop letting people, places and things take advantage of you. Learn how to put your foot down and value yourself. Get comfortable with saying “No.” Yeah people are not going to like the new you but that’s their problem not yours.
Learn to start giving back to yourself.
What do you want? What benefits you? What do you value?
So for the holidays I want you to start focusing on what you love and what makes “You, You!” Write down a list of the things that light you up and do them. Take advantage of “You” time and discover the “New You!”
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at
Need help setting your intentions and being present?
Check out my “Intention Mediation.”
You can find out more here:
December 22, 2021
Hello beautiful goddess and happy holidays. So let’s get into! As an empath we tend to take on a lot of energies and anxiety around this time. This can be due to picking up on the energy of others or just becoming anxious due to family gatherings espcecally if they are toxic. Today I am going to share 5 amazing tips that will help you navigate through the holidays like a pro and still keep your sanity in tack.
Mediate Before A Big Gathering

Holiday gatherings can be tough this time year especially if you are an empath. Being an empath is a huge responsibility and it comes with the frustration of controlling your own emotions and trying to protect yourself from others emotions. Meditation is a great tool that you can utilize to help keep you centered. Meditating before attending large gatherings will help you stay calm and balanced.
Avoid Sitting Next To Energy Vampires

Energy vampires are just that; energy vampires. Their goal is to steal or dim your light. Your job is to protect your energy. Your force field plays a vital part in your mental health and sanity so you want to make sure you protect it at all cost.
During the holidays there’s usually certain family members who are jealous or in competition with you. They will try to belittle you or make you feel small. Try to avoid them. If they try to start a conversation make small talk and keep your distance. Try not to sit next to them or be around them because they will try to get under your skin.
Eat Protein

Eating protein will help keep you grounded. During the holidays you will be consuming a lot of external energies. You will need to have some type of nourishment that will protect you internally.
Protein will help you feel balanced when attending holiday festivities.
Set Clear Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries will help you if you feel uncomfortable or threatened. You should never have to feel violated or disrespected. Make sure you set clear boundaries if things get out of hand. A person will only go as far as you let them. You are a powerful being. Stand in your power! If they continue to overstep your boundaries enforce them or leave immediately. It is not your job to explain why you have boundaries in place.
Cut The Conversation If It Gets Too Critical

Having normal conversations is normal and healthy. As a people we crave connection but when it starts to take a turn for the worst you have to cut the conversation short. Remember, most of the time these people are trying to get a rise out of you. If you fall for it they think they got the best of you. Become the bigger person and leave the situation if you see that things are heading in a bad direction.
Step Away If The Energy Gets Too Intense

It’s ok to step away. If things get a little too intense for you it’s ok to step away to catch your breathe. Sometimes crowds can be overwhelming and draining. Just hit the “reset” button.
Well there you have it!
The Empath Survival Guide will help you during the holiday season.
Feel free to send me your questions at info@kandace kyan or sign up for my newsletter for future blog updates. I would love to hear from you.
© 2025 Kandace Kyan
January 04, 2022
Happy New Year’s Everyone!
We made it to 2022! This past year has had its hard times and challenges but we saw it through. Now that we are here it’s time to unwind and get in chillax mode. It’s January and the weather is still gloomy outside so why not make the most of it and connect with self and your spiritual side in comfort.
I made a list of 7 items that you need and will help you lounge in peace and soothe you throughout the New Year.
Cozy Blanket (First Item To The Left) – The weather outside is still frightful so what better way to stay warm and in style with this cute coral colored blanket.
Soy Candle (Second Item To The Left) – If you are not fortunate to have a fireplace, connect with the the natural elements, fire, earth and water by warming up next to a candle with a nice good book and enjoy a nice cup of tea (Center)
Fig Trees ( Lower Left) are known to promote physical health and help uplift our mood. They also provide oxygen to help your respiratory system and lower your blood pressure
Room Spray – Can help you connect and become present with your surroundings. If you need to cleanse your aura or your home try saging. That should boost your energy in no time.
Well there you have it! 7 items to help you spiritually throughout this amazing New Year!
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at
© 2025 Kandace Kyan